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Boys State is made up of young men from all across the state who have just completed their junior year of high school, going into their senior year. They are selected to attend Boys’ State by their designated schools based on their leadership and character. We are looking to have delegates who are excited to get the experience of a lifetime through their participation and willingness to learn, regardless of club, school, program or academic involvement. Delegates have the opportunity to form a mock state government in where they are divided up into groups of cities and counties.Delegates learn how state and local government and elections work by campaigning for one of the many offices on the state, county, or municipal level and then actually doing the work that their real-world counterpart would do. They work on bills in their legislature and they work on economic development projects in their city, all the while competing against other delegates and cities.


This practical experience will allow the delegates to leave Boys State with a real-world understanding of democracy, from campaigning for office to being an overall more informed and well-rounded citizen primed to be the leaders of tomorrow.Three, (3), College Credits are offered to each stator who attends and participates in the program for the whole week. These credits are transferable all across the country at most accredited Colleges & Universities. This program is nationally recognized for inspiring some of the greatest leaders of the past and the present and supported by administration all across the state. We would like to have your students be added among the lists of successful politicians, business men and leaders of today such as: Neil Armstrong, Tom Brokaw, James Campbell, Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee, Lawrence DiCara, Michelle D. Johnson, & Mark Wahlberg. Accommodations: Housing, Food and Facilities are paid for by the American Legion and individual contributors. The venue is at Eastern New Mexico University New Mexico. Transportation is provided by the American Legion and arrangements can be made prior to the event.

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The Boys State Program has a massive depth that includes several areas to focus and develop the Delegates minds and patriotic spirit over the course of the week. The American Legion and voluenteers work to ensure that a captivating and invigorating curriculum is included every year with relevant case studies, hands-on exercies, and out-of-classroom activities that contribute to the program.

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